Every 34 seconds, someone in the US has a heart attack or stroke

Every 65 seconds, an American develops dementia

Very often, people who suffer these events were previously unaware that they had cardiovascular disease (CVD), the leading killer of men and women.

Water Helps You Stay Healthy

What’s Different About the BaleDoneen Method?

Standard care is based on checking for certain risk factors. However, about 50% of heart attacks and strokes happen to people with normal cholesterol levels—and some of these people have NO traditional risk factors.

The BaleDoneen Method takes the guess work out of cardiovascular risk assessment. We use advanced laboratory and imaging tests to directly check each patient for hidden signs of CVD and red flags signaling high risk for developing it.

Arterial Health

A Scientifically Proven Approach to Prevention

Drawing on more than 20 years of clinical experience and our landmark research on arterial health and disease reversal, we have pioneered a groundbreaking new medical specialty called “arteriology,” which is scientifically designed to optimize the wellness of the more than 60,000 miles of blood vessels that nourish every organ, muscle and tissue in your body.

Recent peer-reviewed studies have proven that our evidence-based, arteriology approach offers a cure for CVD by halting, stabilizing and reversing arterial disease, helping patients avoid heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, dementia and other devastating complications of CVD. Our method is based on the six dynamic elements described below, each of which is crucial for detecting and defeating the world’s most wily predator: CVD.

Healthy Blood


Knowledge is power! Understanding what causes heart attacks, strokes and dementia, plus the action steps needed to prevent these catastrophic events, empowers patients to make choices that lead to recovery and wellness.

As our patient, you will receive all the scientific evidence to support each of our recommendations, and a PowerPoint detailing exactly how to take optimal care of your heart, brain and other vital organs, as well as your arteries.

CIMT is The Best Predictor of Heart Disease

Disease Detection

Tragically, the first symptom of CVD can be a fatal heart attack or stroke. That’s why early detection and treatment of arterial plaque is a key element of our evidence-based approach to prevention. Our FDA-approved laboratory and imaging tests to check for hidden signs of CVD include a painless 15-minute ultrasound scan called carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT), which can detect plaque at an early, highly treatable stage in people who look and feel healthy.

Recent peer-reviewed studies have proven that our evidence-based, arteriology approach offers a cure for CVD by halting, stabilizing and reversing arterial disease, helping patients avoid heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, dementia and other devastating complications of CVD. Our method is based on the six dynamic elements described below, each of which is crucial for detecting and defeating the world’s most wily predator: CVD.

Inflammation is a red flag for heart disease

Fire In The Arteries

Chronic systemic inflammation, which we call “fire,” has been shown to be both a cause and an important treatment target for heart attack and stroke prevention. Events are sparked when arterial plaque becomes inflamed (fire). Think of plaque as kindling. Inflammation is what lights the match. We use a “fire panel” of inexpensive blood and urine tests to detect and monitor your inflammatory markers.

Recent studies suggest that anti-inflammatory therapies can reduce your risk for heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular events by up to 50 percent. Reducing inflammation also helps prevent Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of memory loss. We will also recommend easy, natural ways to “fireproof” your arteries.

Root Causes Of Disease

Root Causes

To put out fire inside the arteries, it’s essential to find out what’s causing it. For someone who has already had heart attack or stroke, identifying the root cause is crucial to prevent another event. 

Our method checks for a wide range of root causes, including insulin resistance (the root cause of about 70% of heart attacks), metabolic syndrome (a dangerous cluster of heart attack and diabetes risk factors), high blood pressure (the leading cause of stroke), sleep disorders, gum disease, and a dangerous cholesterol most doctors don’t check—even though it’s been proven to actually cause heart attacks!

Exercise Your Heart

Optimal Goals

Just as a top-quality construction company may exceed the building code to make homes and offices even stronger and safer from fires, earthquakes, and other catastrophes, in some cases, the BaleDoneen Method sets higher standards for treatment and prevention than those set by standard medical care. 

Drawing on the latest peer-reviewed science, we set optimal, individualized goals to modify each of your risk factors. This approach, rather than one-size-fits-all goals set by the standard of care and based on average results from large studies, leads to superior outcomes and more effective prevention of heart attacks, strokes, dementia, diabetes, and other chronic diseases.

Genetics Helps Us Customize Your Plan


Basing care on each person’s unique genetic makeup is the ultimate in precision medicine. The BaleDoneen Method has used genetic testing for more than a decade both to identify patients with inherited risk for heart attacks and strokes and to guide the best personalized treatments of those risks, including a diet based on your DNA.

In a pioneering 2018 study, we have identified an easy, inexpensive way to lower heart attack risk for people with type 2 diabetes, using a one-time genetic test. Since then, the BaleDoneen Method remains on the leading edge of genetically guided CVD prevention. Contact us today to find out how we can help you feel healthier and happier with our unique, holistic approach to achieving optimal arterial wellness—for life!

Contact us today to find out how we can help you feel healthier and happier with our unique, holistic approach to achieving optimal arterial wellness - for life!