SHE SAVED MY LIFE | Invaluable HEALTH FACTS With My Personal Doctor Amy Doneen

Want to live longer, keep your memory sharp, avoid chronic illness, and prevent heart attacks and strokes? Dr. Amy Doneen gets to the HEART of the matter—literally—in her new episode on The Ed Mylett Show. Click the link below to watch/listen and find out why Ed says that the BaleDoneen Method and the AHA for Life prevention plan in our new book, HEALTHY HEART, HEALTHY BRAIN, saved his life!

Not only is the show a great download about heart and brain health, full of the latest science on protecting cardiovascular wellness, but Ed says, “What you’ll learn could SAVE YOUR LIFE too!” He should know: He has a history of heart issues and is a patient of ours at the Prevention Center for Heart and Brain Health, as well as a bestselling author of health books.

“I GUARANTEE that you’ll think differently about heart health after listening to this episode,” says Ed, who calls HEALTHY HEART, HEALTHY BRAIN a “must-read.” He adds that, “If you care about your health and longevity, you’re going to want to read this book.” Use this link to your copy today at, where the book is currently ranked as the #2 bestseller in Heart Disease Books:

On the show and in the book, Dr. Doneen offers a wealth of practically—and lifesaving—information every patient should know, including

  • the new RED FLAGS for heart attack, stroke and dementia risk
  • why the right BLOOD PRESSURE is critical for long-term health
  • the role of CHOLESTEROL and LIPOPROTEINS in your body
  • what FAT DEPOSITS in the eyes mean
  • ten LIFESTYLE MOVES that lower dementia risk by 35 percent
  • and the connection between ORAL and ARTERIAL HEALTH

“You’re going to get an important BIOLOGY LESSON on how all your vital organs and body systems work in concert with each other,” reports Ed. “Dr. Doneen is going to teach you about your ARTERIAL HIGHWAY SYSTEM, how PSYCHOSOCIAL HEALTH AND BRAIN HEALTH are linked, and why it’s important for those systems to function well so that you can improve your heart health.”

Adds Ed, “[Dr. Doneen’s] message is simple. If you want to LIVE LONGER, learn about your heart, and take care of it like your life depends on it. Because…it does.”

Please check out the show and share this message with people you care about. Our mission is to save hearts, brains and lives!

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